Gorilla cup reeglid / Gorilla cup rules
U10, U12 ja U14 vanuseklassidel on kägistamistehnikad ja valutehnikad keelatud / U10, U12 ja U14 shime-waza and kansetsu-waza are not allowed.
U16 vanuseklassil on kägistamistehnikad ja valutehnikad lubatud/ U16 shime-waza and kansetsu-waza are allowed.
U10 ja U12 vanuseklassidel kehtivad arendavad reeglid, mis tähendab, et keelatud on alljärgnevad tehnikad:
U10 and U12 age groups follow developmental rules, which means the following techniques are not allowed:
1. Tomoe-nage;
2. Sumi-gaeshi;
3. Hikikomi-gaeshi;
4. Ura-nage;
5. Yoko-guruma;
6. Koshi-guruma;
7. Kubi-nage;
8. Sode – Heitmine hoides kahest varrukast/ Throwing while holding both sleeves
9. Seoi-otoshi – Põlvedelt heitmine/ Throwing from the knees
NB! Ümber kaela heited on lubatud, kui tori hoiab kuni heite lõpuni turjast kinni/haaret/ Throws around the neck are allowed if the tori maintains grip on the opponent’s collar until the end of the throw